CS Energy Oxy-Fuel Simulation (Solosi)

Oxyfuel combustion is a developing technology that recycles furnace flue gases back into power plant's furnace, along with pure oxygen to produce power. The intent is to increase the CO2 levels in the flue gas enough to make capturing economical while increasing (or maintaining) the plant's power overall efficiency.

Solosi client and collaborator, Franklin Partners, had proposed the development of an educational simulation of a coal-fired power plant in an effort to assist the Australian Coal Association (ACA) and industry leaders in progressing the understanding of the process for internal and public use.

This project has developed into a targeted engineering project to assist CSEnergy in its re-development of the Callide power plant in Queensland. The primary aim is to demonstrate the effects of recycling flue gases in an effort to capture carbon dioxide and drastically reduce emissions.

My primary role was the development of a SIMIO-based hybrid (discrete-event/continuous) simulation to include the steam cycle, with its various control interface elements, as well as the fuel transport circuit and caloric variability and combustion product collection systems and associated variability.


115B Hale Road
Wembley Downs
WA 6019


Email: marquis.eng@gmail.com
Phone: +61 (0) 413 153 594

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